You have arrived in Michigan, the #1 state in the nation that recovered the most from the recent economic crisis. The Great Lakes State, unofficially the Comeback State, is the 8th most populous state in the union with 9.8 million people spread out over 96,716 square miles. Aside from the stunning lake views, wide open landscape and major city amenities; Michigan is pure business. Cultivate your business in Michigan. We have a variety of franchise and area developer opportunities within Michigan, including in and around the Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing and Flint metropolitan areas. Wherever you choose your next franchise or area developer opportunity in our Michigan network, you can tap into the resources and opportunities that will help fuel your Michigan franchise business for growth. Michigan is giving businesses a helping hand. When you combine our franchise and area developer opportunities with lower business taxes, strategic location and entrepreneurial resources, Michigan is working hard for business. Learn more about our master franchise and area developer opportunities in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Flint and throughout Michigan.